I was at the
Erb Memorial Union aka the Student Union or we call it the EMU for short, I have written once before about this mystical place in the center of campus, at the University of Oregon at their quick stop convenient store where I often get recognized for my campus tv show appearance on the beloved
RA Deal. So I was really hankering for a cookie, the packages Chips Ahoy! did nothing for the pirate in me, and the ones in plastic wrap never seem to be that fresh.

So I picked up this WOW cookie with NO Gluten, No Wheat and No transfat. Some of the ingredients are brown rice, and coconut. It was better then any cookie that could come out of a package. It was as moist as a turned on college student inside and crumbly on the outside.

I have never been one for healthfood but being in Eugene,OR really pushed it on hard. This cookie was enjoyable and somewhat healthy. Although still containing sugar, it had other all natural ingredients to keep you going for the day and have a sweet treat to lift you up.