my personal chef and mother made me some breakfast today. i am not a big breakfast person usually because i don't rise early enough for the occasion or my not big interest in eggs. i once heard a quote on a reality show that eggs are chicken abortions so it kinda makes me queesy to think about eating abortionized baby chicken. well it doesn't stop me that much, i have eaten eggs 3 times since i have been home. i only trust eggs to eat out at one place in the entire universe called Maria's the other is when my mother makes me a scrambled egg with white cheese and white cheese only. so she made me a nice country breakfast this morning they way she does it best a scrambled egg with white cheese. one of the secrets to her successful eggs and adding milk while scrambling them, they come out fluffy and delicious. i also will not eat eggs with any brown on them or burnt of any kind, i know PICKY!!!! but its just how i am. so to accompany the egges was some ham and whole weat oat toast from the portugiese bakery down the st.

i love putting maple syrup on my ham its a great compliment to the salty taste, its salty sweet and chewy and delicious.
for lunch i walked to Bill and Bobs and decided to supersize and go for the super beef instead of the Jr. today. you might say i am spulrging but i asked what the difference is between jr and regular and she said the jr was 3oz and the super was 4oz so i went for 4oz of tender, moist, rare thinly sliced roast beef and side of fries and some agent orange, oragne soda.
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