I guess I have really been creative in the kitchen in these economic times and have gone back to use it or loose it methods.
IE what-the-F should I do with these many random items in my fridge before they go bad?
So this is what came of a Saturday morning creation.
3 eggs
heavy cream, whatever was left over from the last quiche
left over roasted vegetable from the other night: carrots, potatoes, mushrooms, onions and garlic
extra sharp aged cheddar cheese
a pie crust
maple syrup
I cracked the eggs in a big mixing bowl with the cream and added some cheese. how ever much or as little as you want. The I added the remaining Tupperware of veggies. I fried up the ham in a skillet with maple syrup. I thought it would be good to have a nice sweet and savory combination, probably my favorite taste bud experience. I cut up the ham after it was nicely browned with caramelized edges. added to the egg mixture. Add a pie crust to the baking pan and add ingredients in. I baked this in a 375 oven for an hourish I wasn't really paying attention to the time but when its nice and golden and slightly burnt at the top is a good time to take it out.