my roommate doing fire poi at a college kegger of course. I'm afraid of fire and was the designated safety. since the fire in my last apartment at 5am in the morning when the fire alarms didn't go off i don't like "playing" with fire. some people think you can control it, i don't trust them. but you must trust fire it has its own being.
to start concentrating more on coincidences that happen to me during my life or day.
the view also will be a large topic.
next term the coverage will vary.
i want to speak manatee and be in a tv show of my life....
theres this manatee thing going on lately and jellyfish and see creatures becoming cool again, 2 weeks ago for my roommates birthday i bought her a octopus necklace online from this cool artist community called www.etsy.com its really cool.
my heterosexual life mate is coming tomorrow!!!